A (the) system is deeply flawed if there are (so) many that do not fit
I am not seduced by a dream of a three bed semi with a mortgage
The nuclear family will never be mine
It is not I who is broken but a (the) system who cannot account for outliers
To accept myself was to dream
To dream is to hope
To have hope is to resist
And honestly, there is not much more I have to my name than hope.
A system built on fear will destroy its self
You cannot fear the other if You need them for so much
The joy of not fitting means you are here to create change
If the system refuses to adapt to suit the needs of those who live within it then it has already crumbled
They did not kill women who connected to the power for no reason
They did not enslave races because they thought them weak
Fear drove those who created the system
There is no way you can silence us all